Knowledge pipeline in freight pipeline industry: competence- based model for open innovation

Martín Rubio, Irene ORCID:, Criado Fernandez, Mar, Quevedo Cano, Pilar ORCID:, Perez Cano, Carmen, Solana Álvarez, Julián Miguel and Fernandez Arias, Paula (2011). Knowledge pipeline in freight pipeline industry: competence- based model for open innovation. En: "14th International Freight Pipeline Society Symposium", 28/06/2011 - 01/07/2011, Madrid, España. pp. 237-244.


Título: Knowledge pipeline in freight pipeline industry: competence- based model for open innovation
Tipo de Documento: Ponencia en Congreso o Jornada (Artículo)
Título del Evento: 14th International Freight Pipeline Society Symposium
Fechas del Evento: 28/06/2011 - 01/07/2011
Lugar del Evento: Madrid, España
Título del Libro: Proceedings of 14th International Freight Pipeline Society Symposium
Fecha: 2011
Escuela: E.U.I.T. Industrial (UPM) [antigua denominación]
Departamento: Ingeniería de Organización, Administración de Empresas y Estadística
Licencias Creative Commons: Reconocimiento - Sin obra derivada - No comercial

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There is growing concern over the challenges for innovation in Freight Pipeline industry. Since the early works of Chesbrough a decade ago, we have learned a lot about the content, context and process of open innovation. However, much more research is needed in Freight Pipeline Industry. The reality is that few corporations have institutionalized open innovation practices in ways that have enabled substantial growth or industry leadership. Based on this, we pursue the following question: How does a firm’s integration into knowledge networks depend on its ability to manage knowledge? A competence-based model for freight pipeline organizations is analysed, this model should be understood by any organization in order to be successful in motivating professionals who carry out innovations and play a main role in collaborative knowledge creation processes. This paper aims to explain how can open innovation achieve its potential in most Freight Pipeline Industries.

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Depositado el: 11 Dic 2012 09:37
Ultima Modificación: 21 Abr 2016 12:19
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