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Pol??ticas p??blicas nacionais em educa????o entre 1930-1945: a inspetoria municipal de educa????o de Rio Grande-RS


Este trabalho aborda tem??tica que conjuga pol??ticas p??blicas e hist??ria da educa????o. Analisa de que forma a Inspetoria de Educa????o do Munic??pio de Rio Grande-RS foi implementadora das pol??ticas educacionais entre 1930-1945. A geografia da regi??o facilitou a instala????o de um porto, tornando a cidade escoadouro da regi??o sul do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O afluxo de capitais estrangeiros no final do s??culo XIX acabou criando rela????es diferenciadas das etnias com o poder p??blico que refletiram inclusive na educa????o. No Per??odo Vargas a primeira iniciativa relacionada ?? educa????o foi a cria????o do Minist??rio da Educa????o e Sa??de P??blica, seguida de uma reforma educacional. O civismo tamb??m foi prioridade nas pol??ticas p??blicas educacionais varguistas. ?? caracter??stica do per??odo Varguista a campanha de nacionaliza????o do ensino, muito presente no Rio Grande do Sul nas regi??es de coloniza????o europ??ia. A ??nfase era nos conte??dos nacionais, em especial nas disciplinas de hist??ria e geografia do Brasil, bem como na l??ngua portuguesa e no combate a ideias divergentes do ideal nacional. O trabalho do inspetor escolar era pautado por determina????es pol??ticas e inclusive ideol??gicas, pr??prias do per??odo hist??rico. Controle, fiscaliza????o e at?? puni????o sempre estiveram atrelados, ao longo da hist??ria educacional, ?? inspe????o escolar. Dessa forma a inspe????o escolar buscava exercer o controle atrav??s de fiscaliza????es sobre os agentes envolvidos na educa????o, bem como ??s institui????es educativas, visando a efetiva????o, controle e regula????o das pol??ticas educacionais do per??odo. As inspe????es da Inspetoria de Educa????o de Rio Grande passaram a serem mais rigorosas, apontando falhas e cobrando as medidas sugeridas. Entretanto o inspetor n??o tinha poder de a????o, ele apontava falhas e sugeria solu????es, mas a palavra final era do prefeito. A busca pela ordem, pelo asseio e pela disciplina era constante, e tinha como foco o trabalho dos professores e a condu????o da escola, isso era verificado nas inspe????es realizadas periodicamente. A Inspetoria de Educa????o buscava um equil??brio entre as pol??ticas educacionais e os v??nculos na comunidade expressos nos exemplos apontados na documenta????o utilizada. Nos casos analisados ocorreu o uso diferenciado das prescri????es nacionalistas da educa????o. Tal fato se deve aos v??nculos com a comunidade e a busca pela manuten????o do poder. Em Rio Grande a Inspetoria de Educa????o buscava manter um bom relacionamento com a comunidade, sempre que poss??vel atendendo as suas demandas e visando um equil??brio com as prescri????es nacionais. O trabalho foi realizado com fontes prim??rias, que foram analisadas a partir da metodologia hist??rico-cr??tica.This work approaches a thematic that inflects public policies and history of education. It analysis which way the Inspectorate of Education of the city of Rio Grande ??? RS was the implementer of educational policies between 1930-1940. The geography of the region facilitated the installation of a port, making the city the outlet of the south region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The flow of foreign funds in the end of the XIX century ended up creating different relations of ethnics with the government which reflected also in education. In the Vargas time, the first initiative regarding education was the creation of Education and Public Health Ministry, followed by an educational reform. The civics also was priority in the Vargas educational public policies. It is a characteristic of Vargas time the campaign of nationalization of teaching, very present in Rio Grande do Sul in the regions of European colonization. The emphasis was in the national content, especially in the disciplines of Brazilian history and geography, as well as Portuguese and fighting divergent ideas of the national idea. The work of the school inspector was guided by political determinations and also ideological, typical of the historical period. Control, supervision and even punishment had always been linked, throughout educational history, to school inspection. This way, the school inspection sought to exert control through supervisions around the agents involved in education, as well as the educational institutions, aiming the accomplishment, control and regulation of the educational policies of the period. The inspections made by the Educational Inspectorate of Rio Grande came to be more rigorous, pointing out flaws and charging the measures suggested. However, the inspector did not have the power of action, he pointed out flows and suggested solutions, but the final word was the mayor???s. The search for the order, for neatness and for discipline was constant, and had as its focus the work of teachers and the conduct of the school, it was verified in the inspections conducted periodically. The Educational Inspectorate sought the balance between the educational policies and the links in the community expressed in the examples pointed out by the utilized documentation. In the analyzed cases, occurred the different usage of nationalist education requirements. This fact is due to the links with the community and the search by the power maintenance. In Rio Grande, the Educational Inspectorate sought to keep a good relation with the community, attending its demands and seeking a balance with the national requirements always as possible. The work was done with primary fonts, that were analyzed from the historical-critical methodology

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